"Yes, Abby, I'm Ready To Eliminate My Anxiety and Self-Doubt, Once And For All!"
I Understand That By Going Through This Powerful Program I Will Walk Away With The Rare Ability To Eliminate My Anxiety, PLUS...
- Unleash my natural state of peace so that my most stress-free day to date becomes my new normal for every day!
- Uncover and remove any fears, limiting beliefs, or energy blocks sabotaging my ability to be happy and relaxed in every moment...
- Effortlessly melt away feelings of “unworthiness,” “I’m not good enough,” and other peace-repelling blocks.
- Have the tools that I can use on myself to gain control of my life and have the ultimate advantage in every circumstance going forward.
- Remove worry, fear, self-doubt, stress and overwhelm from my life so my past can no longer hold me back or control my future happiness or success.
The fears are gone, and I now feel confident to move forward in my business and life!
Nancy Walsch
I won a $90K sale for the most challenging piece of equipment we offer, with no worry!
Katia Nadeau
I'm free of a shopping compulsion that was doing damage to my credit cards and primary relationship!
Lynn Banis, PhD
This year-long, live online, group training program includes:
Phase One: 10 Weekly Group Instruction Calls That Cover:
5 Critical Anxiety Healing Secrets
You will discover...
- Little-known practical insights about your own worry and self-doubt that will save you years of staying stuck in the same anxiety-ridden money, relationship, health, and other life challenges.
- How to align with the truth and release yourself from having to figure everything out on your own.
- Exactly why commonly taught anxiety-control tools haven't worked for you.
- How to "immunize" yourself against your fear of attracting bad things and negative experiences and completely free yourself from negative life experiences you are already having.
- And much more...
Pinpoint the Root Causes of Your Anxiety
You will receive and discover...
- Energetic attunement and direction to unlock Universal Truth whenever you need or want it so you can feel supported in any moment.
- Four simple ways to find the root-causes of your anxiety so you'll know exactly what to heal. This is so simple that even a child can do it successfully.
- The best times and circumstances to do this and when not to use it.
- And much more...
Fine Tune Your Anxiety-Healing Super Powers
You will receive and discover...
- Energy healing from me to prepare you to heal your own anxiety.
- Group clearing from me to remove resistance you may have to easily and skillfully use the energy tools you’ll be learning.
- Your most aligned and natural way to find your root anxiety causes.
- And much more...
The "Fill-In-The-Blank" Method
You will receive and discover...
- My "Anxiety Healing Formulas" to find and clear the"anxiety flooding" that causes the majority of your fears and challenges.
- How to use these simple formulas and their variations to heal your past hurts, and to free your future from anxiety, self-doubt, and worry going forward.
- How to use them to bring yourself to total peace from nearly any life challenge or circumstance, even those that happened decades ago or that you have no memory of.
- And much more...
Anxiety Healing Mastery
You will review and discover...
- All you have learned and gained as a result of your new-found self-healing abilities.
- How much happier, more peaceful and empowered you feel as a result of learning and using your own new-found healing ability.
- How you can take your new-found anxiety healing skills to an even higher level!
- And much more...
Phase Two: Twice-Monthly Anxiety Healing Group Practice & Support Calls (18 Calls)
During these powerful sessions, you will…
- Practice your anxiety-healing techniques on yourself with my guidance and support.
- Experience deep transformational healing as I walk you through the anxiety clearing process with the whole group.
- Opportunities to work with me live on the calls around your biggest anxiety challenges that you face right now and throughout the next 12 months.
- Recordings of all of the group calls.
Total Value: $38,500
You Will Also Get These Special Bonuses
- FOUR Personal Follow-Up Call with Abby (Value: $2200)
During the program, you'll receive four 30 min private calls with Abby to answer any questions, fine-tune your skills and help you to assess where you are now and what will best support you moving forward.
- Lifetime Access To The "Anxiety AntidoteTM " Private Facebook Community (Value: Priceless)
Endless access to the Anxiety Healing Mastery private Facebook Community where you will be immersed in a like-minded community of anxiety self-healers so you can ask questions, share your wins and discoveries as you move even further into mastering your Anxiety Healing process.
Total Program Value: $40,700
Your Investment Today Is Just $1997
You're backed by my "60 Day Anxiety Antidote Guarantee". Participate fully. Come to all of the calls, follow my methods, strategies and instructions. Practice my method for 60 days and if you feel that you aren't benefiting – I’ll give you back every penny.
"Why Is The Program So Long?
Will It Take A Year For Me To Learn How to Heal My Own Anxiety?"
Learning Anxiety Antidote is fast, and you will be able to start healing yourself quite quickly, but first you’ll need to learn some a few basic tools first and get attuned so that you can be an effective self-healer.
You and I both know that over the course of a year, lots of different things can arise so The reason the program lasts a full year is because clearing out your anxiety is a journey. It can bring up some resistances and fears along the way, so I’ve designed it to give you maximum access to the group practice and support calls.
Questions come over time, and a year will allow you to get them all answered, get to a level of "second nature mastery", and get help and guidance along the way for any challenges that come up, and really connect in our community of other self-energy-healers.
"Will I Have To 'Bare My Soul" For It To Work For Me?"
No “Soul-Baring” Required!
In fact, with this process we usually try to keep personal stories to a minimum because, after a point, stories can actually distract you from what needs to be healed. That may fly in the face of what you've heard before but we find that following the body and its sensations are often a more reliable and direct route to healing.
"I'd Like To Try It, But I Can't Afford It."
In my experience when someone is concerned about the investment, it's often more about their fears than it is about the money. Anxiety often shows up as a money concern to justify not taking action in an area that they feel fearful about.
Some people have unhealed anxiety that stops them from making freedom from anxiety a priority. Are you one of them? This can be a "Catch-22" that you need to face because anxiety doesn't just go away on its own. If anything, your anxiety can increase over time. So, you must DECIDE to save yourself and take the necessary action to get free. Decide not to allow fear to limit your life any longer.
Your investment in Anxiety Antidote will pay for itself 100-fold. This is a life skill that you can use for the rest of your life to resolve anxiety anytime, anyplace, and even when you wake up at 2 am in a panic. And chances are, that like me and some of my other students, you’ll be able to heal some of your fears and pains that now cost you more money or lost time, like trips to the doctor and time off from your job or even refusing certain enjoyable activities because you’re not feeling your best.
Want to know if Anxiety Antidote(tm) REALLY works?
Check it out! This is Abby. I personally went from totally video phobic to ease in making this FAQs video for you.
Yes, healing this intense terror took me some time. But I want you to know that from 1995 on, I'd tried everything from therapy groups, to public speaking groups, to years of working with other coaches and healers trying to break through this stuff. None of it worked.
This video is my personal testimony and just one of the incredible results that I have gotten with Anxiety Antidote(tm).
Disclaimer: Abby Rohrer is a Master Healer, Teacher, and Personal and Business Success Coach. She is not a medical professional or doctor. Concepts and strategies shared in this and any email communication from us are ideas that have worked for our students, clients, and friends. They are not specific advice for you. Always use your own judgment and/or get the advice of professionals to find the right treatments or strategies for you and your particular situation.
Privacy: Your contact information will never be shared with any third party that isn't working directly with Facilitated Recovery, LLC. Your information will never be rented or sold to anyone EVER.
FTC Disclosure: Any income claims shared by my students, friends, or clients are understood to be true and accurate, but are not verified in any way.Any products, programs, or personal recommendations made in this or any email communication from Facilitated Recovery, LLC. for 3rd parties will likely result in some form of compensation from said 3rd party.
Always do your own due diligence and use your own judgment when making buying decisions and investments.
Disclaimer: Abby Rohrer is a Master Healer, Teacher, and Personal and Business Success Coach. She is not a medical professional or doctor. Concepts and strategies shared in this and any email communication from us are ideas that have worked for our students, clients, and friends. They are not specific advice for you. Always use your own judgment and/or get the advice of professionals to find the right treatments or strategies for you and your particular situation.
Privacy: Your contact information will never be shared with any third party that isn't working directly with Facilitated Recovery, LLC. Your information will never be rented or sold to anyone EVER.
FTC Disclosure: Any income claims shared by my students, friends, or clients are understood to be true and accurate, but are not verified in any way.Any products, programs, or personal recommendations made in this or any email communication from Facilitated Recovery, LLC. for 3rd parties will likely result in some form of compensation from said 3rd party.
Always do your own due diligence and use your own judgment when making buying decisions and investments.