Transform Your Financial Destiny
In Just 10 Days Or Less

Important Notice: 

The transformational solution on this page uses advanced healing technology that can take your money outlook and your life/business to a mind-blowing level.

Our unique breakthrough energy healing videos have been empirically proven to improve confidence and shift people into more positive money perspectives. If YOU are open to experiencing this type of transformational breakthrough, keep reading. If not, feel free to exit this page now.

Are You Gripped By Persistent Worry or Concern 
When You Think About Your Financial Future? 

Do You Sometimes... 

  • Feel an uncomfortable sensation inside just thinking about your financial future?
  • Worry about losing the money that you have?
  • Feel anxious or ambivalent about bringing in more money or growing what you have?
  • Blame yourself for past money mistakes or how you handled money in the past?
  • Worry that you might somehow "repel" money?
  • Feel at "the mercy" of money?
  • Feel critical about the way other people (including your spouse, parents, or other family members) handle money?
  • Don't fully trust yourself with money?

*2-3 or more of these is a sign that you are facing significant stress about money.

You've heard that the Universe is abundant...

And that there's an unlimited supply of money...

That you SHOULD be able to access....

IF ONLY you can believe and hold onto that belief...

And you have tried and tried....and repeatedly failed.

You ask yourself, "What's wrong with me?"

Because others seem to able to in bring in more money, but it STILL hasn't worked for you. 

And though you worry about your financial future, you still try your best to maintain a positive outlook and to keep your mind in "attraction mode."

But, it's almost Impossible to Keep Yourself In That Positive "Money Mindset"

Stop  blaming yourself. 

It really isn't your fault. 

Hidden energy patterns (that hardly anyone talks about) could literally be pushing money away from you! 

Your money anxiety makes it impossible for you to hold onto a positive money mindset long enough for higher levels of money-attraction to pour into your life. 

Your Negative Thoughts & Uncomfortable Physical Sensations are Signs Of The Stuck Energy Patterns
of "Money-Anxiety"

Most people with these types of money concerns try to ignore them, force themselves to cut back on expenses or get a 2nd job , or try to fix their limiting beliefs.

But, they never recognize or fully address the deeper underlying sources of their fears, beliefs, and circumstances that fuel their uncomfortable physical sensations.

And then all the positive thinking in the world won’t help you attract more anxiety is deeper.

News Flash! 

Money Anxiety Isn't Just In Your Head!

 Up To 80% Of Your Money Anxieties Are Trapped In Your Body... 

Did you know your body can betray your bank account?

You may not realize that your physical twinges, pains, heavy sensations, tightness and other uncomfortable physical sensations can be symptoms of these trapped "money" emotions.

Some of these sensations are buried so deeply that you can't even feel them. Yet the emotional energies still influence you and may cause you to resist having more money. And, sometimes you feel the sensations but they are so familiar that they simply seem like the "background noise" of who you are. 

...And These Sensations Fuel The Fear In Your Mind!

Through years of helping entrepreneurs gain big money wins, I found that people fail at "money attraction" because the problem goes way beyond your limiting beliefs to block abundance from flowing to you at a higher and more predictable rate.

My approach goes deeper... to uncover the underlying sources of your limiting beliefs and fully clear out the stuck energies that hold those beliefs in place.

Interested? Keep reading!

Are you carrying around "money baggage"
For You and For Your family?

Most everyone has baggage about money from their lineage, social conditioning, life experiences.  Like, that time...

  • When you were six and snuck a dollar out of your mom's purse
  • The family next door got a brand-new car while your family rode around in a "sloppy jalopy"
  • You took your wallet with $20 in it to school so you could look cool and someone stole it
  • Your great-great grandfather lost his fortune and sent his descendants into servitude
  • Your boss wouldn't give you a raise for three solid years
  • And, the list goes on...

Your money baggage goes beyond a few "Money doesn't grow on trees" beliefs.

It can sometimes feel like lifetimes of patterning are undermining your financial destiny. In fact, it goes all the way to the deeper emotional energies that generated those beliefs in the first place.

"...the fears are gone, and I now feel confident to move forward in my business and life!"

Nancy Walsch  //  Igniting Your Gifts

You Can Profoundly reset your relationship with money

Now imagine being fully free of your money anxieties and the uncomfortable sensations associated with them.

Just imagine, no more...

  • No more fretting over money
  • No more knotted neck and shoulders
  • No more feeling powerless or stuck on how to attract or take action to bring more money into your life
  • No more sinking feeling in your stomach when you look at your bank account
  • No more shallow breathing when you think about money, talk to your partner about your latest purchase, or make a large investment like buying a house

Imagine, no more feelings of guilt, shame or self-judgment around any past money endlessly carting around old baggage about money.

Instead, experience calm and confidence in all things related to your finances leading you to stop money from controlling you...allowing you to fully de-stress financially, and even be able to attract more money!

Imagine Yourself Attracting More And Having MORE...
Because You Are Finally AT EASE With Money

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By Breaking Through To Your True Financial Destiny, You'll Experience

  • Deeper, more peaceful sleep
  • More energy
  • More leisure time to spend with your family or friends, or however you want to use it
  • Higher levels of confidence and respect, and far more freedom

"Abby helped me generate close to $20,000 ...

“ my Group Coaching business so far this year and for that I am very grateful! Abby helped to heal my fears around money and to relate to money differently."


What If You Could Quickly 
Put Your Money Fears Behind You For Good?

Hi, I’m Abby Rohrer.

Many people know me as the "Money Karma" and Anxiety Healer, and Certified Big Money Business Coach.

I have a unique way to help people fully resolve their money blocks, so they can get out of their own way, bring their best work to the world and be richly rewarded for it. 

With my proprietary and proven energy healing system, my clients become excited to create more wealth, increase their confidence, and have more success.

It took me decades to decode and resolve my own money story. This nearly killed my business and I left a ton of money on the table before I finally broke through my own vicious money anxiety cycle.

And, while I tried to master my mindset, it just didn't work for me.

I discovered that uncomfortable physical sensations kept derailing my ability to “stay positive.” Eventually, I found a way to "drain" those frightening sensations from of my body. 

Once I got there, my body stopped betraying my bank account, my fears cleared out and my finances began to improve!

What If You Could Defeat ANY Fear That Stops You From Attracting More Money?

I'm so glad that not everyone struggles with Money Anxiety like I did. But, going through these challenges firsthand allowed me to create a solution so powerful and effective that it can help you with any level of fear, worry, doubt or anxiety that you deal with around your finances. 

Now, I invite you to to free yourself from your own money fears so you can Create Your Richest Life!


Your Mission, Should You Choose To Accept It Is...

To spend 10 days (or less) to PROFOUNDLY reset your relationship with money
so you can overcome negative money attitudes, build more wealth,
and create your richest life.

The Benefits of Financial Destiny Breakthrough
  • You release your "gratitude blockers."
  • You have more confidence and truly love yourself more. 
  • Thinking about and planning your financial future is far more enjoyable and far less anxiety-producing.
  • Your ability to attract wealth into your life increases.
  • You feel more successful.
  • Overall, you are more in-charge and relaxed about money.
Permanently Topple Your Money Worries
For Good In Just 10 Days Or Less 
Financial Destiny Breakthrough Is A Powerful Online Course 
Complete With Proprietary Embedded Energy Healings
Gently & Permanently Resolve BOTH Your Fearful Thoughts & Uncomfortable Sensations Around Money. My Simple, Proven, Cutting-Edge Exercises And Energy-Healing Videos Will Dissolve Your Money Worries & Set You Up For Your Best Financial Future.
  • 10 Easy-To-Complete Modules
  • Access the program online from the comfort and convenience of your own home or office
  • Connect anytime from your computer, tablet, or phone
  • A pen and full-sized spiral lined notebook are required for this program (not included)

Watch What Julaina Says About My Powerful Energy Healing Videos

Your Best Financial Destiny Awaits You

Your Mission, Should You Choose To Accept It Is...

To spend 10 days (or less) to PROFOUNDLY reset your relationship with money
so you can overcome negative money attitudes, build more wealth,
and create your richest life.

Program Value: $1997


You're backed by my "Financial Destiny Breakthrough 60-Day Guarantee." Do all of the exercises, follow my methods, strategies and instructions.  Complete the full program and within 60 days if you feel that your anxiety and stress around money has not improved – I’ll give you back every penny. 

More Benefits of Financial Destiny Breakthrough

Upon going through my program, these types of physical discomforts associated with money anxiety may also improve...

  • Feelings of moodiness and emotional over-sensitivity
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Chronic tight neck and shoulders
  • Digestive concerns
  • Feelings of anxiety or panic

You Can Transform Your Financial Destiny In Under 2 Weeks!

Isn't it time to take action to restore both your peace-of-mind and to reset your financial destiny?

Still Not Sure?

"I hate to admit it, but I'm afraid to face my money anxiety." 

I have really good news for you!

Financial Destiny Breakthrough makes it fast and easy for you to resolve your money anxiety and truly reset your financial destiny. You don't need to dig up the past or remember anything for it to work for you. 

"I don't have the money, time, or energy to reset my financial destiny."

Let me be frank. If you're dealing with money anxiety, you don't have the time or energy to waste by not dealing with it directly. These types of money challenges don't just go away on their own. 

So don't waitThe time to deal with your problem is now.

"I don't know how energy healing can help me with my money. What's so unique about your energy-healing approach?"

For over a decade, my unique energy healing approach has been proven to improve many areas of life. My specialty is healing and creating programs to resolve the challenges that stop people creating their 'richest possible life."

I can't promise you money-wins. No one can do that, not even your financial adviser. But, I can promise you that you will feel far better and less worried about money, and as a result, likely attract more into your life.

If you're still not sure if my unique approach is for you, my client testimonials speak for themselves. Check them out here.

Your Mission, Should You Choose To Accept It Is...

To spend 10 days (or less) to PROFOUNDLY reset your relationship with money
so you can overcome negative money attitudes, build more wealth,
and create your richest life.

Just 10 days from now you can be truly free of your money stress.
Click the button below to order now.

Program Value: $1997

*FTC Disclosure: Any income claims shared by our students, friends, or clients are understood to be true and accurate, but are not verified in any way. Any products, programs, or personal recommendations made in this or any email communication from us for 3rd parties will likely result in some form of compensation from said 3rd party. Always do your own due diligence and use your own judgment when making buying decisions and investments.  See our full terms and conditions here.

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